What You Should Know About Teeth Whitening

While daily brushing and flossing may be enough to keep cavities at bay, your daily oral care routine may not do a great job of preventing stains. Stained and discolored teeth are something many deal with, especially those who smoke or eat foods, or drink beverages that are known to stain teeth. Teeth whitening can lift many of these stains and brighten your pearly whites. Here are three things to know before seeking cosmetic teeth whitening.

Gum Disease Treatment? What To Expect

When you have gum disease, it can be a lengthy process to restore your teeth and gums to full health. Being consistent with each part of the process will help your gums recover and reduce the likelihood of recurrent gum disease.  Address Your Oral Hygiene Your dentist will want to know how often you brush and floss and what oral care products you use. The dentist may have specific products they want you to use.

When To Seek Root Canal Treatment: Here Are Signs To Watch Out For

If you're experiencing problems with your tooth's interior, such as pain or infection, then there's a probability that you need a root canal. Also known as endodontic therapy, a root canal is a dental procedure that helps to clean out the decay and remove infections from your tooth pulp and root, saving it from being removed. The procedure involves several exercises, including extraction of bacteria and decay, disinfection with antibiotics, filling empty roots, and sealing the tooth to prevent another infection.

Dental Implant Guide: What Is Bone Augmentation?

While many dental implant treatments are straightforward, some are more complex. Some patients need to have an augmentation procedure to build up parts of their jawbone before they can have an implant fitted. Why might you need to have this work done before you can have an implant? How does the procedure work? Why Do You Need Bone Augmentation Before a Dental Implant? Traditional dental implants create permanently fixed false teeth by using a post and crown combination.