3 Tips For Caring For Denture Soft Liners

Denture soft liners are usually placed on your dentures if you are suffering from an ill-fitting denture. An ill-fitting denture can damage your gum tissue if the problem is not corrected early on. The damage is caused because an ill-fitting denture is unable to properly distribute the pressure throughout the entire denture. When this happens, your dentist will place a soft liner in your dentures in order to alleviate some of the stress and pressure from the gum tissue.

A Quick Guide To Understanding Differences Between Your Root Canal And Your Child's

If you remember a root canal being painful, awkward and time-consuming, it is easy to assume that the same will be true when your young son or daughter needs one. Fortunately, the differences in dental structure and development between early childhood and adulthood, as explained below, typically allow for a less complicated root canal for young children. It will also be helpful to remember that a root canal may be known as non-vital pulp therapy and that recent advances have allowed root canals to be virtually painless for many patients.

How Root Canal Treatment Can Lead To Stained Teeth

A root canal treatment is a good way of saving a tooth with an infected pulp. Unfortunately, several things associated with the procedure may discolor your tooth. Here are three reasons a root canal may stain your tooth: Pulp Tissue Remnants A major part of a root canal treatment involves removing dead or infected pulp tissues. Sometimes, however, some pieces of tissues are left inside the tooth. This can happen, for example, with pulp tissues not at the center of the tooth.

How To Properly Brush And Clean Your Teeth

Brushing your teeth is one of the most important things that you can do to maintain a healthy smile. Without brushing, contaminants build up on teeth and eat away at the enamel and tooth decay begins to set in. Many people brush but thy fail to brush their teeth properly, which can be just as damaging as not brushing at all. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to brush your teeth and keep your teeth healthy.

How A Diagnostic Mockup Can Help You Decide To Go Through With Cosmetic Dental Work

Getting cosmetic dental work completed can be exciting and scary at the same time, but you can reduce your fears about this by talking to your dentist about diagnostic mockups. A diagnostic mockup is a process that allows you to see what your teeth will look like before the work is done. Here are two things to know about diagnostic mockups.  How it is done Dentists offer diagnostic mockups for several reasons, but the main reason is to help patients decide whether they want to go through with cosmetic dental procedures.